Wednesday 14 September 2011

The beginning..

Have just started the course and am feeling very anxious as well as excited. I have read through all the getting started booklets a couple of times and now learning how to create a blog!

My hopes are quite simple, I want to become extremely competent and confident when taking a photo. I want people to look at my work and enjoy what they are looking at. How to criticize my own work and take constructive criticism is something I also need to learn.

There are many fields of photography and my eventual goal is to find the one that suits me and hopefully gain a career in that field. Things that I really enjoy photographing are automotive, people and architecture - although I find photographing people very difficult as I struggle with confidence. This is something that I would do anything to overcome.

My camera is not the best for this course and brings a few problems along with it. It's a Fuji film S100fs bridge camera. One of the main problems is chromatic aberration which I have yet to find a fix for.

The expectations I have for this course are to learn and to have fun and hopefully make some friends along the way.

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