Tuesday 1 January 2013

Exercise. Horizontal and Vertical lines

Exercise. Horizontal and Vertical lines.

In this exercise we are to find examples of horizontal and vertical lines to photograph. I started with a couple of ideas but mainly just went out with the camera to see what I could find.

Horizontal 1.

I had just finished fixing the guttering when I noticed the strong shadow of the ladder against the wall. I grabbed my camera and set the Aperture to F8, all the other settings were on auto (Natural light). After walking around the ladder to see what angle I would get the best results from I decided on this. I converted it to black and white in Photoshop which really helped with the overall look.

Horizontal 2.

When mentioning a horizontal line I immediately thought of the horizon. This is one of the few photos in this exercise that was planned. Camera was set to highest Aperture of F8 and ISO was set to 100, all other settings were on auto. I took quite a lot of photos and when I got back picked this one to work with. In photoshop I altered the settings slightly so as to bring the sky out more.

Horizontal 3.

In this photo I have tried to make the walkway to the lifeboat station the main subject but also to keep it aesthetically pleasing to look at. Camera was handheld in natural light and was set to auto on all settings. On photoshop the photo was slightly cropped and converted to sepia, which I felt gave it an old postcard look.

Horizontal 4.

I was walking back from taking the lifeboat shot when I saw this. The horizontal lines of the boat were lost on the original photo but when I cropped in they became much clearer in the composition. Camera was handheld, full auto settings and using only natural light.

Vertical 1. 

This is in my back garden. I have cropped in such a way as the emphasize the verticalness of the object. Camera was handheld using available light. Automatic settings were used. In photoshop I enhanced the colour of the grass and path so as the make the sundial stand out more.

Vertical 2. 

The elements of the aerial really contrasted well against the blue sky which is why I took this photo. Camera was handheld and auto settings were used. Didn't do much to this in photoshop, just a slight crop and levels.

Vertical 3. 

After going on a very long walk I came across this, which I believe used to be part of an old railway that used to run from Selsey to Chichester. The upright posts are certainly what draws the eye to the photo but the original background really detracted from the photo so I cropped it all out. There is an almost stonehenge feel about this photo. Camera was handheld using available light. Aperture was set to F8 and ISO to 100 all other settings were on auto. In photoshop the colours were slightly enhanced and the levels were set.

Vertical 4. 

Completely unplanned, I was out walking then saw this in the distance. Camera was handheld using available light. All settings were set to auto and I zoomed in to fit subject in the frame. Slight adjustments were made in photoshop, slightly cropped and colours and levels set.

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