Tuesday 1 January 2013

Exercise - Diagonals.

Exercise - Diagonals.

Following on from the previous exercises but now concentrating on diagonal lines within the frame.

Diagonal 1. 

This first photo shows diagonals in the roofs. Camera was handheld using natural light and auto settings. The exposure was reduced to counter the overexposure I was getting off the sky. In photoshop it was cropped and levels were set.

Diagonal 2.

This second photo was taken on one of my long walks down the beach. The diagonal of the water against breakwater seemed to work really well so took a few photos then settled on this one when I got home. Camera was handheld using natural light. All camera settings were auto. Photo was cropped and colours enhanced on photoshop.

Diagonal 3.

Bench in my back garden. I was going to use this in the previous exercise (horizontal) but could never get it looking good enough. Photographing it at this angle gave a much greater look to it. Camera was handheld using available light. All camera settings were set to auto. 

Diagonal 4.

This is a garden bench with frost on it. Camera was handheld using available light and all camera settings were set to auto.

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