Thursday 13 December 2012

Exercise - The relationship between points

Exercise - The relationship between points

This exercise requires us to frame two points.

Photo 1 Boats

Although the smaller of the two boats is moving it is the larger boat that commands more attention. This is possibly because of the size and the clarity but also because the framing gives it much more dominance.

Photo 2 Light Switches

Thought this might look quite fun. Shot in the evening using available light with a 3 second exposure. The light switch on the right draws more attention than the other, probably because of the shadow giving more definition and it is on a larger, more darker slice of wall.

Photo 3 Gulls
I like the relationship between these two points as they seem to both draw my attention without either one being more prominent. I framed this in such a way as to have the birds balancing each other.

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