Friday 21 December 2012

Exercise - Multiple points

Exercise - Multiple points

Started by setting up background by laying a coloured sheet on a flat surface. Then I set up my tripod and fixed the camera. Camera was set to aperture F8 (the highest F no. on my camera) trying to keep all in focus, all other settings were auto. I then started to set up the first point to shoot.

Photo 1.
Shell was placed centrally trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Photo 2.
The two shells were placed like as if they were found in nature, still joined. The angle made the photo a lot more interesting than if the shells were linear.

Photo 3.
I had a play around with setting these shells up and found I liked this the most.

Photo 4.
Setting this up was quite a challenge, having 3 shells all the same made balancing the other shell difficult. In the end I made the single shell the central interest with the other 3 framing it.

Photo 5.
This seemed the logical position for the 5 shells.

Photo 6.
The final setup is quite pleasing, wish I had more time to do more with this.

Photo 7.
Final photo showing the relation between each point.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Exercise - The relationship between points

Exercise - The relationship between points

This exercise requires us to frame two points.

Photo 1 Boats

Although the smaller of the two boats is moving it is the larger boat that commands more attention. This is possibly because of the size and the clarity but also because the framing gives it much more dominance.

Photo 2 Light Switches

Thought this might look quite fun. Shot in the evening using available light with a 3 second exposure. The light switch on the right draws more attention than the other, probably because of the shadow giving more definition and it is on a larger, more darker slice of wall.

Photo 3 Gulls
I like the relationship between these two points as they seem to both draw my attention without either one being more prominent. I framed this in such a way as to have the birds balancing each other.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Exercise - Positioning a point

Exercise - Positioning a point

This exercise is about experimenting with different positions you can place a single point in a frame.

Photo 1 Frosty leaf

Having a few frosty mornings at the moment and thought the leaf against the frosty grass contrasted really well. Experimented with a few different crops but this one seemed to work the best. 

Photo 2 Boat

 Living in a fishing town leads to not a lot of interesting things to photograph - hence the boat! Tried different ways of cropping this photo trying to find the most visually pleasing. Quite happy with the outcome.

Photo 3 Stone

Saw this stone on the beach and thought it contrasted well against the grainy sand. The smaller stone hopefully balances the the larger stone.