Thursday 6 October 2011

Exercise - Focal lengths and different viewpoints.

In this exercise we are asked to take 2 photos of the same object, 1 from distance using full telephoto and 1 close up using wide angle. In both cases the object must fill the viewfinder when taking the shot. The subject I chose was a couple of coloured bins that had a certain amount of depth to them when viewed at an angle. Equipment used was Fujifilm S100fs (handheld) and it was sunny with partial cloud (mid-day).

Shot A - Full telephoto (400mm)

Shot B - Wide angle (35mm)

Shot A was taken at distance using full zoom (400mm). The result of this is a very flat image with very little perspective. There isn't as much detail in this photo as you would get from standing closer but there is a great deal more background and foreground. This shot also appears to have a great deal more depth of field than Shot B.

Shot B was taken very close to the subject using my widest focal length (35mm). The subject now has an almost exaggerated perspective with much more detail and clarity than in Shot A. All that was visible behind the subject in Shot A is now hidden from view. 

I can see from this that if I am taking a shot where perspective is important then I should be close to the subject and use a lens with a short focal length, like a wide angle lens.

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